Thursday, May 14, 2009

so this is how it went down today....

  • went down to apu to get today's list before handover...
  • i knew tht colorectal was on acutes today....
  • as i hoped, R was there....he was at the computer beside the photocopy machine i wanted to use....:)
  • *drool*...esp with R in scrubs! :) hehe.....sungguh sangat lazat...=p
  • we chatted a bit.....then unfortunately, i had to go for handover....but with a HAPPY grin etched on my face....;)
  • one of our patients who has ??appendicitis had his CT abdo/pelvis....verbal report couldnt exclude appendicitis....
  • he was already reviewed by the HNBE team....
  • BUT, me, i volunteered to help my H/O by calling the OC GenSurg Reg to let him know abt our guy...while at the same time, i cmpltly aware tht he was sorta under the care of the HNBE team...;)
  • so...i called the OCphone...knowing it would be R at the other end...hehe....
  • got R on the phone...we talked abt the guy, and he redirected me to the HNBE reg (as expected) it was worth the 2 min chance of being able to hear him (and the funny way he pronounces my name...;)
so per usual, i walked home with the most retarded grin plastered on my face! (and this was in broad-daylight!)........;)


str4vag^ said...

ngeh heh heh heh heh heh

-[nana]- said...

yesss? ape ketawa2? :)