stop talking crap. you'll pull through insyallah. i wish u all the best and jgn panic sgt k. i risau nanti u blank out masa exam. get enough sleep and jgn lupa baca doa before you start the exam.
jgn la so negative. ur one of the smartest ppl i know. things may seem bleak at times, but every time the sun sets, it will rise again. so chin up and stay positive ok?
good luck in whatever it is that ur going thru right now k? all the best dear!
stop talking crap. you'll pull through insyallah. i wish u all the best and jgn panic sgt k. i risau nanti u blank out masa exam. get enough sleep and jgn lupa baca doa before you start the exam.
and know that i care and love you heaps! :)
jgn la so negative. ur one of the smartest ppl i know. things may seem bleak at times, but every time the sun sets, it will rise again. so chin up and stay positive ok?
good luck in whatever it is that ur going thru right now k? all the best dear!
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