Wednesday, August 13, 2008

“There is nobody in our sport that can win like he wins,” U.S. head coach Eddie Reese said. “He is not just winning, he is crunching world records.”

British swimmer Simon Burnett provided his theory to Reese when they ran into each other in the cafeteria.
“He was saying to me, ‘I think I’ve figured out Michael Phelps. He is not from another planet; he is from the future. His father made him and made a time machine. Sixty years from now he is an average swimmer, but he has come back here to mop up.’”

beijing quote of the day:
"I got 80 text messages today. One of my friends said to me, 'Dude, how many times a day do I have to see your ugly face?'"-- Michael Phelps

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